
Here we compare the long-read data de novo assemblers that are supported by SeqSphere+. Although Trycycler is regarded among the best long-read only assemblers, it was was not evaluated and integrated as it requires multiple manual interventions in each assembly so that it cannot be fully automized.


Two strains with finished NCBI RefSeq genomes were re-sequenced on an Oxford Nanopore MinION. All DNA extraction was done with the Zymo Biomics DNA Miniprep kit (Zymo Research; Freiburg, Germany). Native Barcoding Kit (NBK), Rapid Barcoding Kit (RPK), and Rapid PCR Barcoding Kit (RPBK, with NEB LongAmp Taq) library preparations were used and then loaded on a MinION R10.4.1 flowcell. Base calling was performed using Dorado (v0.5.3) with model dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v4.3.0. Before assembling the reads were trimmed with Chopper (v0.7.0; with quality 10 and minimum length 500) and downsampled to different estimated coverages. Rasusa (v0.8.0) was used for downsampling, with exception of the charts were FiltLong (v0.2.1) was used. The assembly of the data was performed with the two different long-read de novo assemblers that are available in SeqSphere+: Flye (v2.9.3, with option --nano-hq ) and Raven (v1.8.3). Medaka (v1.11.3) was used for polishing the consensus sequences with model r1041_e82_400bps_sup_v4.3.0. For the resulting contigs an allele calling was done with SeqSphere+ using cgMLST seed-only schemes based on the NCBI GenBank entry of the same strain. Plasmid reconstruction was performed by MOB-recon (v3.1.8). All charts were generated with the in SeqSphere+ integrated tools except the read-length images that were produced with NanoComp (v1.23.1). The runtimes were measured on an Intel Xeon system with 20 cores (two E5-2630) and 192 GB memory. The G/C content of the two strains is 32% for Staphylococcus epidermidis strain ATCC 12228 (AE015929.1; 2.5 MBases genome) and 56% for Brucella anthropi strain ATCC 49188 (NC_009667.1/NC_009668.1; 4.8 MBases genome).

The following parameters were compared for different coverages and the two assemblers:

  • Assembler Preprocessing Time
The time the read trimming (Chopper) and downsampling (Rasusa or Filtlong) took
  • Assembler Runtime Time
The time the assembler (Flye or Raven) took
  • Assembler Postprocessing Time
The time the assembly polishing (Medaka) took
  • Assembler Max RAM
The peak RAM used by the assembler
  • Percentage of Good cgMLST Targets
The number of targets that pass the quality check in a seed-only cgMLST task template that was defined with the downloaded NCBI genome of this strain (larger values are better)
  • Distance to Reference (Seed)
The absolute number of differing target alleles between the assembly and the downloaded NCBI genome of this strain (smaller values are better, but will never be zero due to sequencing errors in the finished NCBI genome and/or micro-evolutionary changes of the here sequenced culture collection strain during multiple sub-cultivation passages)
  • Chromosome Circular Contig Count
The number of contigs that were detected as circular and chromsome by MOB-recon
  • Plasmid Circular Contig Count
The number of contigs that were detected as circular and plasmid by MOB-recon
  • Contig Count
The total number of contigs
  • Plasmid Sizes
The total base count of all contigs that were detected as plasmid by MOB-recon

Preprocessing Performance (Chopper + Rasusa/FiltLong)

Covtitresults se nbk preproc-time.png Covtitresults se rbk preproc-time.png Covtitresults se rpbk preproc-time.png

Assembling Results

Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228

Comparison of Se ATCC1228 NBK/RBK/RPBK read length distribution (NanoComp)
NCBI Accession AE015929.1
GC Content 32
Genome Size 2.5 Mbases
Scheme Targets 2146
Chromosomes 1
Plasmids 6
Plasmid Sizes 65.4 kb

Staphylococcus epidermidis NBK

Covtitresults se nbk time.png Covtitresults se nbk ram.png Covtitresults se nbk percgood.png Covtitresults se nbk disttoref.png Covtitresults se nbk chromecirc.png Covtitresults se nbk plasmdcirc.png Covtitresults se nbk contigs.png Covtitresults se nbk plasmidsize.png

Staphylococcus epidermidis RBK

Covtitresults se rbk time.png Covtitresults se rbk ram.png Covtitresults se rbk percgood.png Covtitresults se rbk disttoref.png Covtitresults se rbk chromecirc.png Covtitresults se rbk plasmdcirc.png Covtitresults se rbk contigs.png Covtitresults se rbk plasmidsize.png

Staphylococcus epidermidis RPBK

Covtitresults se rpbk time.png Covtitresults se rpbk ram.png Covtitresults se rpbk percgood.png Covtitresults se rpbk disttoref.png Covtitresults se rpbk chromecirc.png Covtitresults se rpbk plasmdcirc.png Covtitresults se rpbk contigs.png Covtitresults se rpbk plasmidsize.png

Brucella anthropi ATCC 49188

Comparison of Ba ATCC49188 NBK/RBK/RPBK read length distribution (NanoComp)
NCBI Accessions NC_009667.1, NC_009668.1
GC Content 56
Genome Size 4.8 Mbases
Scheme Targets 4229
Chromosomes 2
Plasmids 6
Plasmid Sizes 422.6 kbases

Brucella anthropi NBK

Covtitresults ba nbk time.png Covtitresults ba nbk ram.png Covtitresults ba nbk percgood.png Covtitresults ba nbk disttoref.png Covtitresults ba nbk chromecirc.png Covtitresults ba nbk plasmdcirc.png Covtitresults ba nbk contigs.png Covtitresults ba nbk plasmidsize.png

Brucella anthropi RBK

Covtitresults ba rbk time.png Covtitresults ba rbk ram.png Covtitresults ba rbk percgood.png Covtitresults ba rbk disttoref.png Covtitresults ba rbk chromecirc.png Covtitresults ba rbk plasmdcirc.png Covtitresults ba rbk contigs.png Covtitresults ba rbk plasmidsize.png

Brucella anthropi RPBK

Covtitresults ba rpbk time.png Covtitresults ba rpbk ram.png Covtitresults ba rpbk percgood.png Covtitresults ba rpbk disttoref.png Covtitresults ba rpbk chromecirc.png Covtitresults ba rpbk plasmdcirc.png Covtitresults ba rpbk contigs.png Covtitresults ba rpbk plasmidsize.png

Postprocessing Performance (Medaka)

Covtitresults se nbk postproc-time.png Covtitresults se rbk postproc-time.png Covtitresults se rpbk postproc-time.png


Downsampling with FiltLong takes somewhat longer than with Rasusa. Raven is considerable faster than Flye but usually requires somewhat more RAM. The error-rate (distance to reference) and retrieval of core genome genes (percentage of good cgMLST targets) is similar for both assemblers. However, with low coverage (<20x) Flye produces substantially more errors. Flye produces somewhat more circular contigs but Raven produces overall less contigs. Polishing of Raven assemblies is faster than polishing with Medaka Flye assemblies. When inspecting especially the results of 'Distance to Reference', 'Perc. of Good Targets', and 'Contig Count' starting from a coverage of about 50x the results remain mostly stable and optimal.