
Single Target Query Library Definition Panel

Each Task Template can have one or more Genotyping Libraries to perform the typing or identification queries.

Genotypings can be automatically performed or invoked manually. This preference can be specified in the definition panel of a query.

After a query has been performed, a query result is produced. This query result has one of three states:

  • Button16-ov-Query COLORED color-14443246.png succeeded
  • Button16-ov-Query COLORED color-18677.png ambiguous
  • Button16-ov-Query COLORED color-6215126.png failed

An Allele Typing query can additionally have a forth state:

  • lin new alleles can be assigned

If the result has succeeded, then the query has stored result values in the result fields of the Task Entry (from which they can be exported or compared).

Different Types of Genotyping Libraries

There are different types of Query Libraries depending on the target count and the library type (e.g. local FASTA-libraries or remotely requested web services).

Querying a local MLST library for 5-7 targets
Querying a local multi-locus library for a high number of targets, e.g. for MLST+
Querying NCBI GenBank online
Querying a local sequence library