The window for managing an allele library.
This dialog allows to view the alleles of a cgMLST query. Select a target and click View Alleles to display all alleles for the selected target.
Allele libraries can be modified by users that are allowed to write the corresponding Task Template. They can be viewed by users that are allowed to view the corresponding Task Template.
The "Import Alleles" dialog.
The following two buttons can be used to transfer the cgMLST sequences to another typing:
- The Export All to Directory button exports Fasta-Files for all targets to a selected directory.
- The Import Alleles button can be used to import sequences for specific alleles. In the opening "Import Alleles" dialog, select the targets for which sequences should be imported, and click Add Library from File. Select one or more files for import. A window opens that allows to select which file should be imported to which target. When the files were created using the Export All to Directory function no action is required here. Click OK in the "Import Alleles" dialog to start the import.
Note: If an imported sequence is already known for a target, an error message is displayed.