ContentsOverviewEarly Warning Alerts (EWA) are used to automatically detect, when a newly processed sample or its plasmids (query) are similar to samples or plasmids that are already in the database (hits). For samples, similarity is assessed based on cgMLST allelic profiles and for plasmids it is based on Mash distances. If similar samples or plasmids within the defined similarity thresholds are found, an EWA is triggered and stored in the database. Please Note: Using Plasmid Early Warning Alerts requires the Long-read Data Plasmid Transmission Analysis Module Defining cgMLST Early Warning AlertsThe cgMLST Early Warning Alert definitions can be created and managed by pressing the button Add cgMLST Early Warning Alert Definition in the project editor below the task templates section. The button is only enabled if a cgMLST Task Template was added to the project. The button icon is grey if no EW-Alerts are defined, else it is colored red. An EWA definition contains the following sections:
By pressing the buttons OK of the Edit cgMLST EWA definitions dialog and the Save & Close of the project window the EWA is stored and active. Adding and Deleting cgMLST Early Warning AlertsEWAs can be added and deleted at any time when in the project manger window a project is selected and the Edit cgMLST Early Warning Alert Definitions button of this project is pushed. For adding a EWA the icon must be pushed and the new EWA must be defined. For deleting an EWA the corresponding tab must be selected and the icon must be pushed. Once the buttons OK of the Edit cgMLST Early Warning Alert Definitions dialog and Save & Close of the project dialog are clicked the definition is added or deleted. Defining Plasmid Early Warning AlertsPlease Note: Using Plasmid Early Warning Alerts requires the Long-read Data Plasmid Transmission Analysis Module Unlike the EWAs for cgMLST, the plasmid EWAs are defined for a Typing, and not for a Project. The Plasmid Early Warning Alert definitions can be created and managed using the menu command Options > Mash Plasmid Databases. The EWAs can be modified using the button Edit Early Warning Alert. See the page Manage Plasmid Databases for details. The Metadata Criteria work the same way as described in the section for cgMLST Early Warning Alerts above. Performing cgMLST Early Warning Alert SearchesIf Early Warning Alert(s) are defined for a project, the EWA search(es) are automatically performed when a sample is added to this project via either the Pipeline Mode or the command Process Assembled Genome Data. Performing Plasmid Early Warning Alert SearchesPlease Note: Using Plasmid Early Warning Alerts requires the Long-read Data Plasmid Transmission Analysis Module If plasmid EWA search(es) are enabled, they are automatically performed when a plasmid typing is done on a sample that is imported via the Pipeline Mode. Plasmid Transmission EWAs are triggered if a Sample that is processed by the pipeline using the plasmid typing has plasmids with a Mash distance below the distance threshold to another plasmid in the database. If a Sample contains more than one plasmid, multiple EWAs can be created for this Sample, one for each plasmid. However, to prevent plasmid alerts for clonal transmissions, no alert is reported for a plasmid hit if the respective Samples have a cgMLST distance below the specified cluster threshold. If more than one cgMLST typing is present in a Sample, only the cgMLST typing scheme that is listed first in the project definition will be considered. Note: The client that runs the pipeline requires the Linux tools to trigger a plasmid EWA. Managing Triggered Early Warning AlertsThe three most recent and unchecked clonal and plasmid EWAs that were triggered are shown on the top of the home screen in the section Unchecked Early Warning Alerts. If an EWA is opened by clicking on it, a plasmid table with the involved plasmids or a comparison table with the involved samples is shown. Please Note: Using Plasmid Early Warning alerts requires the Long-read Data Plasmid Transmission Analysis Module In the Options main menu the command Browse Early Warning Alerts ... must be issued to list all triggered EWAs that are visible for the user in a table. The column Transmission describes the transmission type: Plasmid EWAs are marked by Plasmid, cgMLST EWAs by Clonal. By default the alerts are sorted according to the triggering date. The table can be filtered for unchecked alerts only (default) and/or for a time period. The button panel on the right (or the right-click menu) can be used to set multiple alerts as checked or to delete them. Additionally, a comparison table/a plasmid table can be opened by pushing the button Show Samples of Alert (or by double-clicking in a row) for a selected alert containing all samples or plasmids that are involved in the alert. cgMLST Early Warning Comparison TableThe query sample, the former query samples of merged alerts, and the hit samples are grouped by colors in the comparison table. On the bottom of the comparison table window three EWA specific buttons are available: